Pardot Integration

Create and update contacts in Pardot with Formstack’s high-converting forms.
Integration built by Formstack
Integration built by Zapier

Simplify your marketing workflows

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Integration Overview

With the Pardot integration for Formstack Forms, you can collect data and send it directly to your Pardot account. Quickly create and update contacts without having to do any manual data entry.

Partner Overview

Pardot is a marketing automation solution by Salesforce that helps companies create meaningful connections, generate more pipeline, and empower sales to close more deals.

Use the integration to:

  • Save time by auto-adding new subscribers to your email lists
  • Keep contacts current by updating existing records with submitted information
  • Gain insights from your forms with powerful analytics and conversion tools

How It Works

  1. Quickly create mobile-friendly forms with Formstack's drag-and-drop builder. You can build from scratch or choose from one of our premade templates.
  2. Turn on the integration by adding the Pardot integration to your form and logging into your Pardot account. Select Create New Form Handler to begin linking Formstack to your Pardot Form Handlers.
  3. After setting up your form handler, map fields between your Formstack form and Pardot. Once you turn the integration on, you'll be able to start passing data between Formstack and Pardot!

Find Out More

To learn more about using Pardot with Formstack Forms, check out this help article.

Integration Overview

Partner Overview

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How It Works

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Integration Overview

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Partner Overview

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