Thank you for your interest in becoming a resident at the JPII Newman Center. Please note the application cannot be saved, also all fields marked with an * are required. If you have any trouble, call 402.557.5575

Student Information

Home Address*
Date of Birth*
Do you currently live at JPII Newman?

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian Name*

Academic Information

Which best describes you currently?*
Are you currently enrolled as a full-time student for the coming school year?*
College/University you are/will be enrolled in for the 2017-2018 school year:*
What year in college will you be in August of 2018?
Anticipated Graduation Year?

Roommate Profile

Apartment Unit Type Preferred*
Do you smoke?*
Do you study with music or TV on?*
Do you sleep with music or TV on?*
Do you enjoy sports?*
How do you feel about loaning your things to others?*
What kind of person are you?*
What genres of music do you enjoy?*
(Please check all that apply)
What words best describe you?*
(Please check all that apply)
What qualities do you prefer in a roommate?*
(Please check all that apply)
Are you a student athlete?*

Faith Information

Attending church and/or quiet time for daily prayer are important to me.*


How did you hear about the JPII Newman Center?*

Current Resident Room/Roommate Preference

Please note that roommate requests and room preferences will be considered through May 15th. After May 15th, requests may or may not be accomodated.

Do you want to stay in your current room or move to another room?
We can guarantee a request to stay in your current room (until May 15th) but we cannot guarantee a request to change rooms.

Sign and Submit

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above

Your application is not considered complete until we have received your $75 application fee.

Hitting "Submit Your Application" below will take you to a PayPal page where you can pay with credit card or through PayPal.

Thank you so much for applying! Check your email for your next step.

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